It is a truly interesting and practical tool, specially designed for all those users who, whether for reasons of their profession or purely recreational issues, are in need of working with music and audio files on their computers.

The gate is fully closed and produces an absolute silence when closed, and sound may be unnatural. Use Noise Gate with these settings: Click on Function > Gate Level reduction > -100- Carefully listen to see that the noise is being cut, yet the audio is still present.Choose a part of the audio track that has both sound and silence.Click on Function > Analyze Noise level and take note of the suggested threshold level.Open Noise Gate Effect and select noise only.Nyquist Noise plug-in has an analysis tool that assists in setting the threshold level right. The most important parameter when using Noise Gate is to set the threshold carefully. Nyquist Noise Gate is a plug-in with several features and settings that make it practical and unobtrusive.